F2F Class Notes (Nemo) [S]


cousin (n): 1-表妹. 2- a child of a person’s aunt or uncle, or, more generally, a distant (= not close) relation:
E.g.: Mike has nine cousins – five girls and four boys.

E.g.: She bought me a box of nice-smelling soaps.

shower gel-沐浴露

E.g.: Try using a different shampoo.

hand cream-护手霜
E.g.: This is probably my favorite hand cream.
E.g.: I need some hand cream.

body lotion -身体乳液
E.g.: If you use body lotion your skin will be soft

face cream-面霜
E.g.: I use face cream regularly to keep my face soft

hair conditioner-护发素
E.g.: I’m looking for shampoo and hair conditioner for oily hair.

Speaking exercise

My cousin bought new car, she’s baby have two years. She baby call me aunt,  the baby look like her mother. My family hope find boyfriend for me。 I had 相亲 (blind-date) with two guys, I don’t like. One boy work in Guangdong, other one work in Shanghai. With my friend play Mahjong go shopping,I think new year was boring. My mother and father gave me 红包 (red envelope)for present

My cousin bought a new car, her baby is two years old. Her baby calls me aunt,  the baby looks like her mother. My family hope to find me a boyfriend /My family hope that I will find a boyfriend。 I had a 相亲 (blind-date) with two guys, I didn’t like them. One boy works/One of the guys works in Guangdong, other one works in Shanghai. I played Mahjong with my friends and we  went shopping,I think that new year was boring. My mother and father gave me 红包 (red envelope)for present