F2F Class Notes (Nemo) [R]




technique (n): 1- a way of doing an activity that needs skill:
E.g.: Every artist should know at least several painting techniques

versatile (adj): 1- able to change easily from one activity to another or able to be used for many different purposes:
E.g.: He is a very versatile actor.

tricky (adj): 1- If a piece of work or problem is tricky, it is difficult to deal with and needs careful attention or skill:
E.g.: It’s tricky to learn to paint using watercolors

medium (n): 1- The medium that an artist works in is the materials or method used to create things:
E.g.: The work of art was done in mixed media (= using different substances), and included wood shavings, pieces of metal, glue, and oil paint.

various (adj): 1- several and different:
E.g.: We enjoy eating in various types of restaurants.

luminosity (n): 1- the state of appearing to shine:
E.g.: The painter achieved the luminosity in the painting through careful color shading.

a range of-a set of similar or related things:
E.g.: A range of brushes/colors
E.g.: We offer a wide range of options.
E.g.: The clinic provides a full range of medical services.

to get hold of something-to obtain (buy) something:
E.g.: Where can I get hold of today’s newspaper?

palette-the range of colors that an artist usually paints with:
E.g.: Matisse’s palette typically consists of bright blues, greens and oranges.


stock up-to buy a large amount of something so that you will have enough for the future:
E.g.: I hadn’t stocked up on food, so I wasn’t ready to feed Kate and her friends.

splatter (v): 1-(especially of a thick liquid) to hit and cover a surface with small drops, or to cause this to happen:
E.g.: The bike was splattered with mud.

