F2F Class Notes (Nemo) [R]


according to (prep):1-in agreement with. 2-as stated by. 3-depending on.
E.g.1: We did everything according to the rules.
E.g.2: According to the news reports American economy is recovering.
E.g.3: We should dress according to the weather.

cancer (n): 1-a tumor that tends to spread locally and to other parts of the body and often causes death if not treated. 2-癌症.
E.g.: Ninety per cent of lung cancers are caused by smoking.

potentially (adj): 1-existing in possibility : capable of development into actuality. 2- expressing possibility. 3-潜在的.
E.g.: Sunburn is painful and potentially dangerous.

research (n): 1-careful study and investigation for the purpose of discovering and explaining new knowledge. 2-the collecting of information about a subject. 3-研究.
E.g.: Recent research shows that the disease is caused in part by bad nutrition.

researcher (n): 1-a person conducting a research. 2-研究员.
E.g.: She became famous as both a teacher and researcher.

expert (n): 1-a person with special skill in or knowledge of a subject. 2-专家
E.g.: The good news is that expert help is now available.
E.g.: Robin is an expert at cheesemaking

empire (n): 1-帝国.
E.g.: The Roman Empire was overrun by Nordic barbarians.

data (n): 1-facts about something that can be used in calculating, reasoning, or planning. 2-数据.
E.g.: Scientists have collected more data than expected.
E.g.: The study was based on data from 2,100 women.

risk (n): 1-possibility of loss or injury. 2-风险.
E.g.: Smoking is a risk to your lungs.
E.g.: Wearing a seat-belt greatly reduces the risk of injury or death in a car accident.

socialize (v): 1-to talk to and do things with other people in a friendly way. 2-to take part in social activities. 3-社交.
E.g.: I’m not supposed to socialize with the guests.

increase(v): 1-to make or become greater. 2-增加
E.g.: The company has increased the price of its cars.

panic (n): 1- a sudden overpowering fright especially without reasonable cause. 2-恐慌.
E.g.: An earthquake hit the capital, causing panic among the population.


There may be good news for coffee lovers. Drinking three cups a day could help you live longer. This is according to researchers from the International Agency for Research on Cancer and Imperial College London. They looked at data on half a million people over the age of 35. They suggest that drinking coffee means coffee drinkers have an 8-18% lower risk of early death or health problems than non-coffee drinkers.
Not all experts agree. Some say the health benefits of coffee could be because coffee drinkers have more money and so are healthier. Coffee drinkers may socialize more and this could help people to live longer. The research does not prove that drinking coffee has health benefits. The researchers warned against drinking too much coffee. The safe daily amount of caffeine is around 400 mg. More than this increases the risk of panic attacks and heart problems.