F2F Class Notes (Nemo)[W]

Email Writing Template


craving (n):a strong feeling of wanting something
E.g.:I have a craving for chocolate.

crave (v):to have a very strong feeling of wanting something
E.g.:Many young children crave attention.

grow away/apart (v):If two people in a close relationship grow apart, or if they grow away from each other, they gradually begin to have a less close relationship, usually because they no longer have the same interests and want the same things.

E.g.: There was nobody else involved – we just grew apart.

workload (n):the amount of work to be done, especially by a particular person or machine in a period of time工作量,工作负荷
E.g.: Teachers are always complaining about their heavy workloads.
E.g.: Students do find that their workload increases throughout the course.

turn 16, nine o’clock, etc.-to become a particular age or time
E.g.: She turned 18 last year.
E.g.: It’s just turned ten o’clock.

I usually plan a short trip (n)  traveling (v).

day after day it’s getting more and more difficult


monotonous (adj):not changing and therefore boring
E.g.: a monotonous job
E.g.: a monotonous voice
E.g.: The music became monotonous after a while.

Writing exercise

Dear Sir/Madam:
I’m writing to practice the use of the present and past tense.I could eat a lot of delicious food and wouldn’t get fat before 20,but I need to count calories now for that basal metabolism is lower when you are older.It’s very difficult to change that.
I could see movies all night even I had lessons the next day in my college,I remember to set a timer and sleep on time everyday,which is important for my work.I cried anywhere if I wanted to in my childhood,I control my mood well cause an adult should maintain emotional stability both in life and work.
I had a tight social circle in high school and college,I lose touch with my friends.Busy work and no topic bettwen us make me grow away from them.
I hated eating dumplings before and I love it so much now.If you don’t eat something for too long time,you may miss it.I couldn’t express what I liked and disliked,I say no to something that I don’t want do to.I know that to make youself unhappy for unimportant people is worthless.
I thought that boiled water tasted worse and I seldom drinked water before I started to work,I drink a lot of water cause I know that it’s good for my health.
Thank for your reading.Good luck to you.
Yours Sincerely

Dear Sir/Madam:
I’m writing in order to practice the use of the present and past tense. Before I turned 20 I could eat a lot of delicious food and wouldn’t get fat before 20,but now I need to count calories now for that because our basal metabolism is/becomes lower once you get older.It’s very difficult to change that.
I could watch movies all night even when I had lessons the next day during my college, I remember that I would set a timer and sleep on time everyday,which is  important for my work. I cried anywhere if I wanted to during my childhood, now I control my mood well cause an adult should maintain emotional stability both in private life  and at work.
I had a small social circle in high school and college and we were quite close to each other,I lost touch with my friends. Heavy workload and lack of  interests in common us made me grow away from them./ made us grow apart
When I was a child I hated eating dumplings before and now I love eating them so much. If you don’t eat something for a long time,you may miss it. Before I couldn’t express what I liked and disliked, now I say no to something that I don’t want to do. I know that getting unhappy about unimportant people is silly
I thought that boiled water tasted worse and I seldom drank water before I started to work, now I drink a lot of water cause I know that it’s good for my health.
Thank for your reading.Good luck to you.
Yours Sincerely