F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


mathematics (n): 1-the study of numbers, shapes, and space using reason and usually a special system of symbols and rules for organizing them
E.g.: When it comes to mathematics, he’s in a different class to his peers.
E.g.: You need a firm grasp of mathematics to become an astronaut.

vegetarian (n): 1- a person who does not eat meat for health or religious reasons or because they want to avoid being cruel to animals:
E.g.: Of the four million people who have become vegetarians in this country, nearly two thirds are women.
E.g.: I’ve been feeling much healthier since I became a vegetarian.

vegan (n): 1-a person who does not eat or use any animal products, such as meat, fish, eggs, cheese, or leather:
E.g.: Vegans get all the protein they need from nuts, seeds, and cereals.

antibiotic (n): 1- a medicine or chemical that can destroy harmful bacteria in the body or limit their growth:
E.g.: I’m taking antibiotics for a throat infection.

prevent (v): 1- to stop something from happening or someone from doing something:
E.g.: Label your suitcases to prevent confusion.

raw (adj): 1-(of food) not cooked:
E.g.: Prawns are grey when they’re raw, and turn pink when they’re cooked.
E.g.: People can become infected after eating raw or undercooked meat.
