F2F Class Notes (Nemo)

Usually my working day starts at 9am

I will send emails to my colleagues and boss

at 9:30am, we have our morning meeting, during the meeting our boss is giving us instructions on what we should do today, also we are reviewing our previous day

after meeting I’ll do paperwork- after THE meeting I’ll start doing my paperwork


canteen (n): 1-a place in a factory, office, etc. where food and meals are sold, often at a lower than usual price.
E.g.: I often see the boss eating his lunch by himself in the canteen.

tiny (adj): 1- extremely small:
E.g.: The glass shattered into a thousand tiny pieces.
The print is so tiny, you need a magnifying glass to read it.

magnify (v): 1-to make something look larger than it is, especially by looking at it through a lens:
E.g.:   Although our skin looks smooth, when magnified it is full of bumps and holes.

magnifying glass(n)-放大镜
E.g.: He uses a magnifying glass to read tiny print.

smooth (adj): 1-having a surface or consisting of a substance that is perfectly regular and has no holes, lumps, or areas that rise or fall suddenly:
E.g.: This moisturizer will help to keep your skin smooth.
E.g.: Rub the wood down with fine sandpaper till it is smooth.

sandpaper (n): 1-砂纸

moisturizer(n): 1-a substance that you put on your skin to stop it from becoming dry: 2-保湿霜
E.g.: I use (a) moisturizer every night.

slightly (adj): 1-a little:
E.g.: She’s slightly taller than her sister.
E.g.: I’m slightly upset she forgot my birthday.

occupy (v): 1- to fill, exist in, or use a place or period of time: 2- to keep someone busy or interested:
E.g.1: The rest of the time was occupied with writing a report.
E.g.2: On long journeys I occupy myself with solving maths puzzles.