F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


ultimatum (n): a threat in which a person or group of people are warned that if they do not do a particular thing, something unpleasant will happen to them. It is usually the last and most extreme in a series of actions taken to bring about a particular result:
E.g.: He gave her an ultimatum – she could either stop seeing Peter and come back to him or it was divorce.

Open ticket means that the return date is not fixed. The date of the first flight is set (although typically this can be changed for a fee). Assuming that it is an unrestricted ticket that means that you can get a return flight on any date usually up to a year after your outbound flight.

round-trip ticket a ticket for travel to a place and back again:

We also offer a variety of tickets including one-way, ten-trip and round-trip tickets.

international/domestic flight

aboard (preposition): on or onto a ship, aircraft, bus, or train:
E.g.: The flight attendant welcomed us aboard.

carry-on luggage/hand luggage-small bags that can be taken into the cabin of a plane by its passengers:
E.g.: This system will enable customers with only hand luggage to bypass check-in altogether and go straight to the departure gate.
E.g.: There is a five-kilo limit on hand baggage.

The term “checked baggage” refers to luggage that is stowed in the belly of an aircraft during flight.

bypass (n): 1-to avoid something by going around it:
E.g.: We took the road that bypasses the town.
E.g.: The oil pipeline bypasses the protected wilderness area.

aisle (n): 1-a long, narrow space between rows of seats in an aircraft, cinema, or church:
E.g.: Would you like an aisle seat or would you prefer to be by the window?

layover (n): 1-a short stay in a place that you make while you are on a longer journey to somewhere else:
E.g.: We had a four-hour layover in Chicago.

overhead compartment/locker
E.g.: Could you please put that in the overhead locker?

stow (v): 1-to put something in a place where it can be kept safely:
E.g.: Please stow your carry-on bags under the seat in front of you.

flight attendant (n): 1-a person in an aircraft whose job is to serve passengers and to make sure they obey safety rules

stewardess (n): a female person who serves passengers on a ship or aircraft

upright (adj)straight up or vertical:
E.g.: Please return your seat to an upright position and fasten your belt.
E.g.: Seats should be in the upright position during take-off and landing.

fasten (v): 1-to (cause something to) become firmly fixed together, or in position, or closed:
E..g: Make sure your seat belt is securely fastened.
E.g.: This shirt fastens at the back.
E.g.: The captain has switched on the Fasten Seatbelt sign

turbulence (n): 1-strong sudden movements within air or water:
E.g.: We might be experiencing some turbulence on this flight due to an approaching electrical storm.

customs (n)-海关, the place at a port, airport, or border where travelers’ bags are examined for illegal or taxable goods:
E.g.: customs officials
E.g.: It took us ages to get through customs when we got back from Italy.


She was carrying a tray of drinks.

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