F2F Class Notes (Nemo)

There’s still a lot of work left to be finished

I’m still not sure if my expectations regarding workload will come true


cruise (n)-巡航, a journey on a large ship for pleasure, during which you visit several places
E.g.: They’re going on a cruise round the Atlantic.


speed limit (n)-速度限制, the fastest rate at which you are allowed to drive in a particular area:
E.g.: a 50 mph speed limit
E.g.: Slow down – you’re breaking the speed limit.
E.g.: Try not to go over the speed limit, Daniel.

along (prep): 1-in the same direction as, or beside:
E.g.: We walked along the canal path.
E.g.: we traveled along the seaside

obsession- (n)痴迷
E.g.:  They have an obsession with making money.
obsessed (adj): unable to stop thinking about something; too interested in or worried about something:
E.g.: Why are people so obsessed with money?
E.g.: As a society we’re obsessed by sex.

gambling (n): 1-赌博
E.g.: My mother loves gambling (n)
E.g.: My mother loves to gamble (v)

addicted (adj): 1-上瘾的, unable to stop taking drugs, or doing something as a habit:
E.g.: By the age of 14 he was addicted to tobacco.
E.g.: I’m addicted to (= I very often eat) chocolate.

You are 3 years my senior
I am 3 years your junior

20, 30, etc. years sb’s senior-20, 30, etc. years older than someone:
E.g.: She married a man 20 years her senior.
E.g.: She’s my senior by three years (= she is three years older than me).

three, eight, etc. years sb’s junior– three, eight, etc. years younger than someone:
E.g.: My brother is five years my junior.
E.g.: My sister is my junior by three years (= three years younger than me).

Meeting etiquette