F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


cancel (v)-取消, to decide that something that has been arranged will not happen:
E.g.: cancel a flight/meeting/trip When a flight is cancelled, an airline is obliged to provide alternative transport or a refund.
E.g.: My class was cancelled.

throat-喉咙, 咽喉, 
E.g.: A fish bone got stuck in my throat.-一根鱼刺卡在我的喉咙里。
E.g.: a sore throat
E.g.: He cleared (清嗓子) his throat (= coughed so he could speak more clearly) and started speaking.

sore throat-咽喉痛

sore muscles-肌肉酸痛

murder (v)
E.g.:Her husband was murdered.

murderer (n)- someone who illegally and intentionally kills another person:

I need to go to the airport to pick up the guests-我需要去机场接客人。

luggage-行李, the bags, suitcases, etc. that contain your possessions and that you take with you when you are traveling:
E..g: We bought some new luggage for our trip.
E.g.: Never leave your luggage unattended (无人出席的).
E.g.: hand luggage (= small bags that you take with you onto the plane)

Let me introduce myself, my name is Kris and I’m a student of Shanghai Theater Academy, I’ll be your host during your stay in Shanghai, Welcome to China. First I’ll take you to your hotel, I’ll help you to check in, if you want you could take a short rest and then I would like to take you out for a dinner. Do you have any dietary restrictions, do you like spicy food

dietary restrictions-饮食限制
Do you have any special dietary requirements饮食需求?

fever-发烧, a medical condition in which the body temperature is higher than usual and the heart beats very fast:
E.g.: He’s got a headache and a slight fever.
E.g.: If you have a fever you should drink plenty of fluid(s).

moisturizer (n)保湿霜, a substance that you put on your skin to stop it from becoming dry:
E.g.: I use (a) moisturizer every night.

hangover (n)-宿醉, a feeling of illness after drinking too much alcohol:
E.g.: I had a terrible hangover the next morning.
E.g.: a hangover cure


dietary restrictions-/ˈdɑɪ·ɪˌter·i//rɪˈstrɪk.ʃəns/
