F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


gore (n): 1-blood that has come from an injury and become thick:
E.g.: It’s a good film, but there’s a lot of blood and gore in it (= pictures of people being badly injured).

monolithic (adj): 1-too large, too regular, or without interesting differences, and unwilling or unable to be changed:
E.g.: monolithic state-run organizations

bastion (n): 1-something that keeps or defends a belief or a way of life that is disappearing or threatened:
E.g.: British public schools are regarded as one of the last bastions of upper-class privilege.

hoarder (n) 1-a person or organization that collects a lot of money or objects, sometimes secretly:
E.g.: hoarders of gold and silver

hoard (v): 1-to collect a large supply of something, more than you need now, often because you think you will not be able to get it later:
E.g.:Many people hoarded food in wartime.

hoard (n): 1-a large amount of something that someone has saved and hidden:
E.g.: We found a huge hoard of tinned food in the basement.

horde (n): 1-a large group of people:
E.g.: Hordes of students on bikes made crossing the road difficult.

Hoarding Buried alive