F2F Class Notes (Nemo)
transplant (v):to move something, or to be moved, from one place or person to another:
E.g.: The plants should be grown indoors until spring, when they can be transplanted outside.
transplant (n): 1-a medical operation in which a new organ is put into someone’s body:
E.g.: a liver/kidney transplant
E.g.: transplant surgery
E.g.: He had a heart transplant (= doctors gave him a different, healthier heart instead of his old one).
2-something, especially a new organ, that has been transplanted:
E.g.: His body accepted/rejected the transplant.
repot (v): 1-to transfer (a plant) to another, especially larger, pot.
E.g.: I really need to repot the money tree, this pot has became too small.
patch (n): 1-a small area that is different in some way from the area that surrounds it:
E.g.: Our dog has a black patch on his back.
E.g.: The hotel walls were covered in damp patches.
2-a small piece of material sewn or stuck over something to cover it:
E.g.: I’ll have to sew a patch onto these jeans – they’re ripped at the knee.
I’m looking forward to September.-This tends to mean that you are anticipating a good and/or enjoyable experience in (or beginning in) September. You may or may not be making plans or arrangements for the future event, but you are ‘excited’ about it.
I’m looking toward September.-you are making plans or arrangements for whatever is going to happen in September. The forthcoming event may or may not be especially enjoyable: it could be neutral, it could be unpleasant, it could be enjoyable. But mainly you are making plans.
Blue cheese-蓝干酪
Acquired taste (n): 1-something that you may not like at first, but begin to like after you have tried it:
E.g.: Baijiu is very much an acquired taste
attitude toward(s)
Rachel has a serious attitude toward(s) her work.
to turn toward(s)
The flowers will turn toward(s) the sun.
toward(s) the end of
We’re going on vacation toward(s) the end of the month.
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