F2F Class Notes (Nemo) [W]


Write a short article about your work as a purchasing assistant


There is an island off the coast of England

strike/struck, struck (v);to hit or attack someone or something forcefully or violently:
E.g.: Her car went out of control and struck an oncoming vehicle.
oncoming (adj): 1-moving towards you or coming nearer:

altogether (adv): 1-completely
E.g.: She wrote less and less often, and eventually she stopped altogether.

stingy (adj): 1-小气, not generous
E.g.: My previous boss was stingy.

groupie (n): 1-a person who admires and tries to meet someone famous, esp. a popular musician:
E.g.: Groupies were hanging around the entrance while he was recording here.


all of the boats went to the island were canceled-All of the boats heading to the island were canceled
All of the boats connecting Wenzhou and the island were canceled

Writing exercise

Today i went to Suzhou to visit my cousin’s grandpa who broke his right shoulder because of falling down from the steps on the work .
He recovers very well.But the strange thing is that when he lays down on the bed ,his shoulder is sore.As soon as he stands up,the pain disappears.
Actually we prepared to take a trip to a small island in Wenzhou on a weekend of August.But after making the plan , typhoon attacked Zhe jiang,all of the boats went to the island were canceled.So we delayed the plan to the next weekend. Unfortunately my cousin’s grandpa hurt his shoulder on the next Wednesday.So we had to canceled this trip. Although it was a pity for us but we wanted to travel with our whole family.

Today i went to Suzhou to visit my cousin’s grandpa who broke his right shoulder after of falling down from the stairs on the work .
He recovers very well, but the strange thing is that when he lays down on the bed ,his shoulder is sore, as soon as he stands up,the pain disappears.
Actually we were getting ready to take a trip to a small island near Wenzhou on a weekend of August. But after making the plans , typhoon struck/hit Zhejiang. All of the boats heading to the island were canceled. So we delayed the trip for the next weekend. Unfortunately my cousin’s grandpa hurt his shoulder on the following Wednesday. So we had to cancel this trip+altogether. Although we felt sad we still wanted to travel with our whole family.