F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


smooth sth over: to make problems, difficulties, or disagreements less serious or easier to solve, usually by talking to the people involved:
E.g.: Would you like me to try to smooth things over between you and your parents?

friend zone (n): 1-he state of being friends with someone when you would prefer a romantic or sexual relationship with them:
E.g.: You know you’re in the friend zone when she asks you for relationship advice.

economic bubble-经济泡沫, a period of great success, which usually ends very suddenly:
Economists fear that the economic bubble will pop and lead to a new recession.
E.g.: The global credit bubble seems to have created a global economic bubble.

partial ownership/part ownership (n): 1-a situation in which different people, groups, etc. each own part of something:
E.g.: part ownership in sth -The company has part ownership in several shopping malls in the region.
E.g.: part ownership of sth -We are hoping to acquire part ownership of a UK beer producer.

plummet(v): 1-to fall very quickly and suddenly:
E.g.: House prices have plummeted in recent months.

brimming-to become full of something, especially a liquid: , be up to it’s full potential

mania (n): 1-a unusually strong and continuing interest in an activity or subject:
E.g.: He was surprised by his brothers’ sudden mania for exercise.

intrinsic value (n): the real value of a company, asset, etc., which may not be the price it could be sold for now:
E.g.: If a share’s price is less than its intrinsic value, it should be bought.

booming (adj): 1-increasing or becoming successful and producing a lot of money very quickly:
Business is booming at the moment.
E.g.: High-end designers are chasing the booming children’s-wear market.

go bust (adj): 1-If a company goes bust, it is forced to close because it is financially unsuccessful:
E.g.: More than 20 companies in the district went bust during the last three months.