F2F Class Notes (Nemo)





about (adv): 1-almost:
E.g.: We’re about ready to leave.
E.g.: I’m about to be promoted

lecture (n): a formal talk on a serious subject given to a group of people, especially students:
E.g.: We went to a lecture on Italian art.
E.g.: Who’s giving the lecture this afternoon?

masters degree-硕士学位

before you get a new treatment approved -FDA

way of thinking-思维方式

side effect-副作用

petri dish-培养皿

contraindicated (adj): 1-used to say that a drug or treatment should not be used in a particular situation as it is likely to harm the patient:
E.g.: Most X-rays are contraindicated in pregnancy.

contraindication (n): 1-(medicine) a reason that makes it inadvisable to prescribe a particular drug or employ a particular procedure or treatment
E.g.: Contraindications for this drug include liver or kidney impairment.

superbug-超级细菌-a type of bacteria that causes an illness that cannot be cured by antibiotics


I succeeded in treating the patient

I’m successful in treating patients

