F2F Class Notes (Nemo)



Use some of the vocabulary from today in some writing. Choose a topic that lets you use the words we learned.


you got a sunburn-你晒伤了

sunburn (n): 1-sore, red skin caused by too much time in the sun:
E.g.: A long day at the beach gave him a bad sunburn.

sunburned (adj): 1-Sunburned skin has become red and sore by being in the strong heat of the sun for too long, or is very suntanned:
E.g.: When you go out in the hot sun, you should always put sunscreen on your skin to avoid getting sunburned.

identify (v): 1- to recognize a problem, need, fact, etc. and to show that it exists:
E.g.: The research will be used to identify training needs.

manufacture (v): 1-to produce goods in large numbers, usually in a factory using machines:
E.g.: He works for a company that manufactures car parts.
E.g.: The report notes a rapid decline in manufactured goods.

manufacturing (n): 1-the business of producing goods in large numbers:
E.g.: car manufacturing
E.g.: the manufacturing of military equipment

appropriate (adj): 1-correct or right for a particular situation or occasion:
E.g. :Punishment should be appropriate to the crime.
E.g. :I don’t have any appropriate clothes.

maintenance (n): 维修1-the work needed to keep a road, building, machine, etc. in good condition:
E.g.: Old houses need a lot of maintenance.

maintain (v): 1-keep, repair

rapid (adj): 1-fast,
E.g.: rapid growth
E.g. :There’s been rapid change in China.

feedback (n): 1-information or statements of opinion about something, such as a new product, that can tell you if it is successful or liked:
E.g.: Have you had any feedback from customers about the new car?
E.g.: positive/negative feedback

launch(n): 1- the introduction of a new product or service for sale to the public:
E.g.: brand/product launch -The secret to a successful brand launch is planning.




acceptance- /əkˈsep.təns/