F2F Class Notes (Nemo)



chain (n):链, (a length of) rings usually made of metal that are connected together and used for fastening, pulling, supporting, or limiting freedom, or as jewellery:
E.g.: The gates were locked with a padlock and a heavy steel chain.
E.g.: Mary was wearing a beautiful silver chain around her neck.

revenge (n)报复, harm done to someone as a punishment for harm that they have done to someone else:
E.g.: She took/got (her) revenge on him for leaving her by smashing up his car.
pirate (n)-海盗 a person who sails in a ship and attacks other ships in order to steal from them
E.g.: Their ship got attacked by pirates

fortress (n):要塞 a large, strong building or group of buildings that can be defended from attack/castle