F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


obsession (n): something or someone that you think about all the time:
E.g.: He has an obsession with cleanliness.
E.g.: His campaign for fathers’ rights has become an obsession.

beneficiary (n):受益人 1-a person or group who receives money, advantages, etc. as a result of something else:

brake (n): 1- a device that makes a vehicle go slower or stop, or a pedal, bar, or handle that makes this device work:
E.g.: She had no brakes on her bicycle.
E.g.: The driver suddenly put on his brakes.

brake (v): 1-to make a vehicle go slower or stop, using its brake or brakes:
E.g.: When it’s icy, brake gently.
E.g.: He would drive very fast and brake hard/sharply at the last minute.

put the brakes on-to slow down or stop an activity:
E.g.: The city has put the brakes on further spending.

municipality (n): 1-a city or town with its own local government, or the local government itself:
E.g.: The municipality provides services such as water and rubbish collection.

demography (n): 人口统计学1-the study of changes in the number of births, marriages, deaths, etc. in a particular area during a period of time:
E.g.: historical demography