F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


mistress (n)-情妇,a woman who is having a sexual relationship with a married man:
E.g.: Edward VII and his mistress, Lillie Langtry

infidelity (n): 1(an act of) having sex with someone who is not your husband, wife, or regular sexual partner:
E.g.: marital/sexual infidelity
E.g.: She could not forgive his many infidelities.

get her fired-to cause her loosing her job by making a call to someone who could be in position to fire her

to fire her-to remove someone from their job, either because they have done something wrong or badly, or as a way of saving the cost of employing them:

Embarrassment (n): 1-难堪
E.g.: She forgot her lines and blushed with embarrassment.

embarrassing (adj):令人尴尬的
E.g.: It’s embarrassing to be caught telling a lie.

embarrass (v): 1-to cause someone to feel nervous, worried, or uncomfortable:
E.g.: You’re embarrassing him with your compliments!
E.g.: I didn’t want to embarrass her in front of her friends.