F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


Lyme disease-莱姆病, a disease caused by bacteria that are spread by the bite of an insect called a tick:
E.g.: Initially the symptoms of Lyme disease are like those of flu.

tick-蜱虫, a very small creature like a spider that lives on and sucks the blood of other animals

breed (n)-品种, a particular type of animal or plant:
E.g.: a breed of dog/cat/horse/sheep/cattle
E.g.: What’s your favorite breed of dog/dog breed?

promotion (n): 1- activities to advertise something:
E.g.: a sales promotion
E.g.: There was a promotion in the supermarket and they were giving away free glasses of wine.

pain kiler-止痛药

surgery (n):-外科手术, the treatment of injuries or diseases in people or animals by cutting open the body and removing or repairing the damaged part:
E.g.: The patient had surgery on his heart.
E.g.: He made a good recovery after surgery to remove a brain tumor.

snack (n)-零食, a small amount of food that is eaten between meals, or a very small meal:
E.g.: I had a huge lunch, so I’ll only need a snack for dinner.
E.g.: Fresh or dried fruit makes an ideal snack.


be promoted-get the promotion

I am responsibility for -I’m responsible for

My goal is to become a manager on the national level

e commerce grows faster then retail-电子商务比零售业增长快