F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


EU-the European Union-欧盟

visa (n): 1-欧盟, an official mark, usually made in a passport, that allows you to enter or leave a particular country:
E.g.: We travelled to America on a tourist visa.

emotion (n):情感 1-a strong feeling such as love or anger, or strong feelings in general:
E.g.: As an actor he could show a whole range of emotions.

hike (n/v): 1-徒步旅行, a long walk, especially in the countryside
E.g.: We plan to hike from lake to lake.

Grassland (n)草原, a large area of land covered with grass:
E.g.: the grasslands of Xinjiang

glacier (n)-冰川, a large mass of ice that moves slowly
E.g.: A glacier is like a river of ice.

Tent (n) 帐篷, A tent is a temporary shelter you use when you go camping.
E.g.: He slept in a tent.

desire (v/n)-欲望, to want something, especially strongly:
E.g.: I desire (v) only to be left in peace.
E.g.: I certainly have no desire (n) to have children.

fragrant (adj): 1-芳香的, with a pleasant smell:
E.g.: fragrant flowers
E.g.: The sauce itself was light, fragrant and slightly sweet.