F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


errand (n): a short trip you make to do something, such as buying or delivering things in the neighborhood:
E.g.: He would clean, do errands, and babysit for their 7-year-old daughter.
E.g.: I’ve got to run a few errands (= do errands) and then stop by my mother’s.

jet-lagged (adj): 1-feeling tired because of the effects of taking a long plane journey through different time zones:
E.g.: They checked into their hotel, feeling weary and jet-lagged.

kickboxing (n): a sport in which two competitors fight by hitting each other with their hands and kicking each other with their feet

breadcrumbs (n): 1-very small pieces of dried bread, especially used in cooking:
E.g.: Sprinkle the breadcrumbs over the mixture before baking.

