F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


abdication (n): an occasion when a king or queen makes a formal statement that he or she no longer wants to be king or queen:
E.g.: The romance between King Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson resulted in Edward’s abdication from the throne.
E.g.: His abdication speech was broadcast on the radio.

coronation (n): 1-​a ceremony at which a person is made king or queen
E.g.: On the occasion of the coronation his Majesty made magnificent presents to the metropolitan church.


reign (v): 1- to be the king or queen of a country:
E.g.: Queen Victoria reigned over Britain from 1837 to 1901.

noble/aristocratic (adj): 1- belonging to a high social rank in a society, especially by birth:
2-a class of people who hold high social rank:
E.g.: a noble family
E.g.: members of the aristocracy

nobleman (n)

commoner (n): in the UK, a person who is not born into a position of high social rank:
E.g.: It is now accepted that a member of the royal family can marry a commoner.

widow (n): 1- a woman whose husband or wife has died and who has not married again
E.g.:There once was a poor widow who had a beautiful daughter.

divorce (n): 1-an official or legal process to end a marriage:
E.g.: The last I heard they were getting a divorce.
E.g.: Ellie wants a divorce.

dynasty (n): 1-a series of rulers or leaders who are all from the same family, or a period when a country is ruled by them:
E.g.: The Mogul dynasty ruled over India for centuries.

empire (n):a group of countries ruled by a single person, government, or country:
E.g.: the Holy Roman Empire

Shows: The Crown

The darkest hour