F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


just the right-正好


appetizing (adj): 1-Appetizing food or smells make you want to eat:
E.g.: appetizing smells from the kitchen
2-interesting or attractive, esp. because you think it will be good to eat:
E.g.: an appetizing dessert

appetite (n): the feeling that you want to eat food:
E.g.: All that walking has given me an appetite.
E.g.: I won’t have any chocolate, thanks. It will spoil (= reduce) my appetite.

appetite [need]: the feeling of wanting or needing something:
E.g.: her appetite for adventure/traveling/books
E.g.: his insatiable sexual appetite

trim (v): 1-to make something tidier or more level by cutting a small amount off it:
E.g. : to trim the hedge
E.g.: My hair needs trimming.

neat (adj) 整齐, tidy, with everything in its place:
E.g.: Your house is always so neat – how do you manage it?
E.g.: She likes everything neat and tidy.
E.g.: You have such neat handwriting.

hedge (n): 1-a line of bushes or small trees planted very close together, especially along the edge of a garden, field, or road:
E.g.: She kicked the ball so powerfully that it flew over the hedge.

