F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


tear gas-(n)催泪瓦斯, a gas that hurts the eyes and produces tears, and is used sometimes by police to control crowds

shock grenade-冲击罩

import (v)进口, to buy or bring in products from another country:
E.g.: We import a large number of cars from Europe.

export (goods)出口(商品), to send goods to another country for sale:
E.g.: French cheeses are exported to many different countries.

soft drink fountain-软饮料喷泉
soft drink (n): a cold, usually sweet, drink that does not contain alcohol

headquarters (n):总部大楼, HQ-the main offices of an organization such as the army, the police, or a business company:
E.g.: The company’s headquarters is/are in Shanghai.

journalist-新闻工作者/reporter, a person who writes news stories or articles for a newspaper or magazine or broadcasts them on radio or television:
E.g.: The journalist took notes throughout the interview.

satellite-卫星, a device sent up into space to travel around the earth, used for collecting information or communicating by radio, television, etc.:
E.g.: The World Cup was transmitted around the world by satellite.
E.g.: a spy/weather satellite

