F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


security check-安全检查

E.g.: My passport is valid for another two years.
E.g.: He’s got a British passport.

pasport control-护照管理
E.g.: When we got to the airport , there was a long wait at passport control.

board the plane/train/bus

ID card-身份证
E.g.: Please don’t forget to bring your ID card!

Novel-小说 a long printed story about imaginary characters and events:
E.g.: a paperback novel
E.g.: historical/romantic novels

fiction (n): 1- the type of book or story that is written about imaginary characters and events and not based on real people and facts:
E.g.: The book is a work of fiction and not intended as a historical account.
E.g.: a writer of children’s fiction

colonize (v): 1-to send people to live in and govern another country:
E.g.: Peru was colonized by the Spanish in the 16th century.

alien- relating to creatures from another planet:
E.g.: an alien spacecraft