F2F Class Notes (Nemo)

upheaval (n): 1-an instance of violent disorder or change. 2-剧变
E.g.: Wherever there is political upheaval, invariably there are refugees.

multi-ethnic (adj): 1- made up of people of various ethnicities.
E.g.:  Yugoslavia was multi-ethnic country.

buffer (n): 1- something that serves as a protective barrier.
E.g.: Turkey and Greece were buffer states against the former Soviet Union.

conglomerate (adj): 1- made up of parts from various sources or of various kinds. 2-砾岩.
E.g.: Fiat is Italy’s largest industrial conglomerate.

status quo (n): 1-the existing state of affairs. 2-现状
E.g.: We chose to maintain the status quo rather than make changes.