F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


Lead (n):A piece of advice or useful information especially from an expert
E.g.: My sister got a lead on the job opening from her neighbor, who is the human resources director for the company.
2-A slight or indirect pointing to something (as a solution or explanation)
E.g.: The police are now working on several leads generated by the evidence gathered at the crime scene.

exclusivity (n): 1-the state of being the only person, group of people, or organization that is allowed to have or do something:
E.g.: grant/lose/retain exclusivity (on sth) The company which developed the hardware was granted one-year exclusivity on the retails sales.
E.g.: an exclusivity agreement/clause/deal
2-an agreement not to speak to other possible buyers while your business is being bought by a particular person or company:
E.g.: The two companies have an agreed period of exclusivity which prevents either seeking alternative buyers before the end of January 2011.

clause (n): 1-a part of a written legal agreement that deals with a particular subject:
E.g.: See clause 8.2(b) of the standard sale agreement.
E.g.: Rules and location for resolving disputes are outlined under the contract’s arbitration clause.
E.g.: add/remove/include a clause -Some companies will insure you, but will add a clause excluding any flood claims.

confidentiality clause-a part of an agreement in which the people or companies involved agree not to give particular information to other people or companies:
E.g.: The agreement includes a strict confidentiality clause that bars either side from disclosing details to the media.

exclusive of sth- 不算, 不包括-not including something:
E.g.: Is the total exclusive of service charges?