F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


pollen (n)-花粉, a powder, produced by the male part of a flower, that causes the female part of the same type of flower to produce seeds. It is carried by insects or the wind.
E.g.: Many people are allergic to pollen.

Printer (n) 打印机, a machine that is connected to a computer and prints onto paper using ink:
E.g.: a bubblejet/dot matrix/laser printer

time frame- 时间框架 a period of days, weeks, months, etc. within which an activity is intended to happen:
E.g.: Have you set a time frame for completing the job?
E.g.: The new law introduces these changes in/within a fairly long/short time frame.

probation (n) 试用期, the period during which a new employee is watched closely to see if they are suitable for their job:
E.g.: Many companies have a three-month probation period before making a position permanent. (职位-永久)

studying english takes a lot of energy-学习英语需要很多精力

I had an interview with her boss-我采访了她的老板。
I was interviewed by her boss-我被老板面试了。