F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


1/2, 1/3, 1/4 –  one –half, third, quater

consumption (n): 1- the act or process of consuming (by usage, spending) consumption of food
E.g.: One-third of food produced for human consumption is lost.

scandal (n): 1– loss of or damage to one’s reputation. 2-DISGRACE
3-something that offends accepted moral standards or disgraces those associated with it.
E.g.: Their behavior is a scandal!

disaster (n): 1- a sudden great misfortune, especially something (as a flood or earthquake) that happens suddenly and causes much suffering or loss. 2-灾难.
E.g.: A frightful traffic disaster was avoided.

rot (v): 1- to undergo decomposition from the action of bacteria or fungi. 2-腐烂.
E.g.: The apples were left to rot.
the smell of rotting garbage

potent (adj): 1-powerful, strong. 2-effective.
E.g.: Their most potent weapon was the Long sword.

ridiculous (adj): 1-causing or deserving ridicule,ABSURD 2- 可笑的.
E.g.: It was an absolutely ridiculous decision.

humanity (n): 1- the totality of human beings. the human race : HUMANKIND
E.g.: These discoveries will be of benefit to all humanity.

life span (n): 1- the average length of life. 2- the duration of existence of a human. 3-寿命.
E.g.: The batteries had a life span of six hours

Food with funny shape*- Funny shaped food

