F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


plumbing (n):水管装置, the water pipes and similar systems in a building:
E.g.: There’s something wrong with the plumbing.
​2-管道工程, the work of connecting water and other pipes in a building:
E.g.: We did all the plumbing (work) in our house ourselves.

plumber (n): a person doing plumbing

pipe (n): 1-管, a tube inside which liquid or gas flows from one place to another:
E.g.: a water/gas/sewer pipe
a burst/fractured/leaking pipe
Our pipes froze (up) several times last winter.
Engineers acted quickly to repair the damaged pipes.

hollow (adj): 1-空洞的;having a hole or empty space inside:
E.g.: a hollow tube
Hollow blocks are used because they are lighter.
a hollow log

liquid (n)液体, a substance, such as water, that is not solid or a gas and that can be poured easily:
How much liquid do you think this bottle contains?

ml -written abbreviation for millilitre :
E.g.: a 7 ml bottle of perfume


sewer (n)下水道

get rid off-摆脱,去掉


you are their supplier-你是他们的供应商