F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


multi-brand (n): 1- Involving multiple brands

spread (v): 1-  to open or expand over a larger area . 2- to put a layer of on a surface <spread butter on bread
E.g.: The fashion quickly spread from France to England.

block (v): 1-  to shut off from view     E.g.:The building blocks our view of the ocean.
2- to make unsuitable for passage or progress by obstruction  E.g.:  The road was blocked by a rock slide.

addict (n): 1-a person who likes or enjoys something very much and spends a large amount of time doing it, watching it, etc.
television addict
basketball addicts

original (n): 1-something from which a copy or translation is made. 2-a “real” thing
E.g.: I gave her a copy of the report and kept the original.

context (n): 1- the parts of something written or spoken that are near a certain word or group of words and that help to explain its meaning.
E.g.: Can you guess the meaning of the word from the context?

passionate (adj): 1-excited or easily excited to strong feeling. 2-showing or expressing strong feeling.
E.g.: She is passionate about art.

there’s a saying – There is a famous English saying that goes