F2F Class Notes (Nemo)



belief (n): 信仰, the feeling of being certain that something exists or is true:
E.g.: His belief in God gave him hope during difficult times.
E.g.: Recent scandals have shaken many people’s belief in (= caused people to have doubts about) politicians.
2 something that you believe:
E.g.: All religious and political beliefs should be respected equally.
E.g.: It is my (firm) belief that nuclear weapons are immoral.

exist (v): 存在, to be, or to be real:
E.g.: I don’t think ghosts exist.
E.g.: Poverty still exists in this country.
E.g.: Slavery still exists in many parts of the world.

ghost (n): 鬼, the spirit of a dead person, sometimes represented as a pale, almost transparent image of that person that some people believe appears to people who are alive:
E.g.: Do you believe in ghosts?
E.g.: Have you ever seen a ghost?
E.g.: There’s no such thing as ghosts.

poverty (n): 1-贫困, the condition of being extremely poor:
E.g.: Two million people in the city live in very great poverty.
E.g.: He emigrated to Australia to escape the poverty of his birthplace.

slave (n)奴隶, a person who is legally owned by someone else and has to work for that person:
E.g.: Black slaves used to work on the cotton plantations of the southern United States.
E.g.: I’m tired of being treated like a slave!