F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


wander (v): 1-to move about without a purpose. 2-to follow a winding course .
E.g.: Students were wandering the halls.
I was just wandering around the house.

bay (n): 1-an inlet of the sea or other body of water usually smaller than a gulf. 2-a small body of water set off from the main body.
E.g.: The Bay of Kotor, is a region of Montenegro.

fjord (n): 1-a narrow inlet of the sea between cliffs or steep slopes.
E.g.: Fjords of Norway are breathtakingly beautiful.

repatriate (v): 1-to return (someone) to his or her own country
E.g.: Countries are required to repatriate prisoners of war when conflict has ended.
repatriation (n):re-ˌpa-tre-ˈe-shən,

