F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


textile (n): 1-a cloth made by hand or machine:
E.g.: the textile industry

superstition (n): 迷信, belief that is not based on human reason or scientific knowledge, but is connected with old ideas about magic, etc.:
E.g.: According to superstition, if you walk under a ladder it brings you bad luck.
E.g.: I don’t believe in the old superstition that the number 13 is unlucky.

superstitious:(adj) ​ /ˌsu·pərˈstɪʃ·əs/
E.g.: Superstitious baseball players will wear the same shirt every day when they are on a hitting streak.

cardboard (n)纸板, material like very thick, stiff paper, usually pale brown in colour, used especially for making boxes:
E.g.: a cardboard box
E.g.: He was living on the streets for three months, and his home was a cardboard box.

cope (v): 处理 1- to deal successfully with a difficult situation:
E.g.: It must be really hard to cope with three young children and a job.
E.g.: It’s only been a year since he died – how’s she coping?

commemoration (n):纪念, something that is done to remember officially and give respect to a great person or event:
E.g.: A set of stamps has been commissioned in commemoration of Independence Day.
E.g.: Thousands of veterans will take part in a commemoration of the battle.