F2F Class Notes (Nemo)

field (n):田,an area of land, used for growing crops or keeping animals, usually surrounded by a fence:
E.g.: The cows were all standing in one corner of the field.

Flower field

Rice field




dirt (n): 1- dust, soil, or any substance that makes a surface not clean:
E.g.: His coat was covered with dirt.

bark (v): 吠(of a dog) to make a loud, rough noise: E.g.: They heard a dog barking outside.

skirt (n): 裙子1- a piece of clothing for women and girls that hangs from the waist and does not have legs:                                                                  E.g.: She wore a purple skirt and a white shirt.  E.g.: a long/short skirt

turnip (n): 萝卜, a round white, or white and purple, root vegetable.                                      E.g.: Spinach, egg-plant, cabbage, cauliflower, cucumber and turnip are our favorite vegetables.