F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


trigonometry (n)-三角, a type of mathematics that deals with the relationship between the angles and sides of triangles, used in measuring the height of buildings, mountains, etc.:
E.g.: Trigonometry concerns the functions of angles, such as sine, cosine, and tangent.

vertical (n): 1-used to describe the different stages of an industrial or commercial process, and the organizations involved:
E.g.: vertical agreement/market/restraint
E.g.: Vertical restraints can be used to isolate national markets, particularly where there are price differences between EU Member States.

brick-and-mortar store-实体商店

rebate (n): 返利, money that is returned to you after you pay for goods or services, done in order to make the sale more attractive:
E.g.: Chrysler announced cash rebates of $1000 on some trucks.

truck (n)卡车, [in UK- lorry] a large road vehicle that is used for transporting large amounts of goods:
E.g.: The road was completely blocked by an overturned truck.
E.g.: a truck driver

horizontal (adj): parallel to the ground or to the bottom or top edge of something:
E.g.: Draw a horizontal line across the bottom of the page.
E.g.: Keep the patient horizontal with the feet slightly raised.

horizon (n): 1- the line at the farthest place that you can see, where the sky seems to touch the land or sea:
E.g.: The moon rose slowly above the horizon.
E.g.: We could see a row of camels silhouetted on the horizon.

silhouette (n): 1-a dark shape seen against a light surface:
E.g.: The silhouette of the bare tree on the hill was clear against the winter sky.

Much of the auto aftermarket vertical (what does vertical mean in this sentence?) depends on the offline service ability, especially in the auto maintenance market. The whole of service efficiency and quality depends on the offline service ability, which has important implications for users selection and experience. Meanwhile, the new retail concept and model are developing rapidly, and more attention is being paid to the deep integration of online service, offline experience and modern logistics. For traditional online service, the ability of offline service is becoming more important. For now, construction of the offline service system for the Chinese auto aftermarket mainly consists of three parts: brand construction, service construction and infrastructure construction. These parts are closely connected. The infrastructure needs strong fund support and promotion support. Service construction needs good cooperation and rewards. And the good service brands should rely on complete infrastructure construction and service construction.