F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


1) How long haven’t you worn high heels ? For how long you haven’t been wearing high heels?
I haven’t worn high heels since two weeks. I haven’t been wearing high heels for the last two weeks.
(2) how often do you go to the gym?
I go to the gym quite often
(3) how long have you been living together with you boyfriend?
I have been living together with my boyfriend for 4 years.


lullaby (n): 1-a song used to help a child fall asleep.
E.g.: Place your baby in her seat and play her a lullaby.

slumber (n): 1-to sleep usually lightly. 2-sleep
E.g.: She fell into deep slumber.
to handle (v): 1-to manage with the hands. 2-to touch, feel, hold, or move (something) with your hand. 3-to do the work required for (something).
E.g.: He knows how to handle a motorcycle.
drift off (informal): 1-to fall asleep.
E.g.: She drifted off while I was still talking.
mammal (n): 1– human beings and all other animals that feed their young with milk. 2-哺乳动物.
E.g.: A whale is a kind of mammal.