F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


dock (n): 1– a wharf or platform for loading and unloading. 2-a usually wooden pier used as a landing place. 3-码头.
E.g.: A dock collapsed beneath them.

collapse (v): 1-to break down completely. 2-to cave or fall in or give way.
E.g.: The roof collapsed under a heavy load of snow.

bridesmaid (n): 1-a woman who is an helper of a bride. 2-伴娘
E.g.: I was a bridesmaid in my sister’s wedding.

bride (n): 1-a woman just married or about to be married
groom (n): 1– a man just married or about to be married

soak (v): 1to lie covered with a liquid to place in a liquid to wet or as if to wet thoroughly.
E.g.: You should soak those dirty clothes before you wash them.

dunk (v): 1-to dip (something, such as a piece of bread) into a beverage while eating. 2-to dip or submerge temporarily in liquid.
E.g.: I like to dunk my doughnut in my coffee.

beneath (adj): 1-in or to a lower position. 2-below. 3– directly under.
E.g.: The sky above and the earth beneath.

knee        / deep \
waist +    – deep – (+water) = depth (of water)  was up to knee, waist, shoulder.
shoulder \ deep /

E.g.: The mud was knee deep.