F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


plural- a word or form that expresses more than one:
E.g.: “Geese” is the plural of “goose”.
E.g.: “Woman” in the plural is “women”.

singular (adj): 1- of or relating to the form of a word used when talking or writing about one thing:
E.g.: a singular ending/form/noun/verb
E.g.: The word “woman” is singular.

magnet-an object that is able both to attract iron and steel objects and also push them away

scarecrow (n): 1-a model of a person dressed in old clothes and put in a field of growing crops to frighten birds away

rice paddy (n): 1-a field planted with rice growing in water

boar (n): 1-a male pig kept for breeding on a farm, or a type of wild pig
sow (n): 1-an adult female pig


rice paddy-/ˈraɪs ˌpæd.i/