F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


A man called the French Spider-man climbed the fourth highest building in Barcelona. He did not have any safety equipment, but just chalk on his hands and climbing shoes on his feet.

A head camera filmed his 20-minute climb. After he got to the top of the 29-storey building, police questioned him. They released him without charge.


chalk (n): 1-a soft white, gray, or buff limestone made up mainly of the shells of tiny saltwater animals. 2-we use it to write on a blackboard.

storey (n): 1-a floor or a level of a building

explore (v): 1-to investigate, study, or analyze.
E.g.: I decided to go out and explore the town.

viral (adj): 1-quickly and widely spread or popularized especially by person-to-person electronic communication.
E.g.: a viral video.

pulp (n): 1-the soft juicy or fleshy part of a fruit or vegetable the pulp of an apple. 2-a mass of vegetable matter from which the juice or moisture has been squeezed.

firecracker (n): 1-a paper tube containing an explosive and set off to make a noise. 2-鞭炮.

sensation (n): 1-a mental process (as seeing, hearing, or smelling) that results from stimulation of a sense organ. 2-a state of excited interest or feeling
E.g.: She craved new experiences and sensations.
E.g.: I experienced a stinging sensation in my arm.

footage (n): 1-scenes or action recorded on film or video.
E.g.: Some disturbing footage of the war was shown on the evening news.