F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


paternal (adj): 1-of or like a father:
E.g.: He’s very paternal (= showing the affectionate feelings of a father) with the baby.
E.g.: My paternal grandparents (= my father’s parents) were Irish.

maternity (n): 1-the state of being a mother

maternity (adj): 1-related to pregnancy and birth:
E.g.: maternity clothes

maternity leave (n): 1-a period in which a woman is legally allowed to be absent from work in the weeks before and after she gives birth

legally (adv): 1- as stated by the law:
E.g.: Children under 16 are not legally allowed to buy cigarettes.
E.g.: People in Britain legally reach adulthood at 18.

warranty (n): 1-a written promise from a company to repair or replace a product that develops a fault within a particular period of time, or to do a piece of work again if it is not satisfactory:
E.g.: The phone comes with a one-year warranty.

state (v): 1- to say or write something, especially clearly and carefully:
E.g.: Our warranty clearly states the limits of our liability.

liability (n) [responsibility]: 1-the fact that someone is legally responsible for something:
E.g.: He denies any liability for the damage caused.



