F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


shrimp (n): 1-虾. 2-plural shrimps or shrimp a very small sea creature similar to a prawn but smaller, or its flesh eaten as food:
E.g.:shrimp paste

dialect (n): 1-方言. 2- a form of a language that people speak in a particular part of a country, containing some different words and grammar, etc.:
E.g.: a regional dialect
E.g.: The poem is written in northern dialect.

Mandarin (n): 1-普通话。 2-a Chinese language that is the official language of China and Taiwan, and an official language of Singapore。

ask for leave-请假

leave (n) [holiday]: 1- time allowed away from work for a holiday or illness:
E.g.: How much annual/paid leave do you get?
E.g.: She’s (gone) on leave (= holiday).
E.g.: I’ve asked if I can take a week’s unpaid leave.

maternal (adj) 1-母亲方面的 2-related to a mother’s side of the family:
E.g.: Her maternal grandmother (= mother’s mother) is still alive.