F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


orator (n): 1-someone who is good at public speaking:
E.g.: a skilled orator

supremacy (n): 1-the leading or controlling position:
E.g.: The company has begun to challenge the supremacy of the current leading manufacturers in the textiles industry.
E.g.: The allies have established air supremacy (= military control of the sky).

siege (n): 1-the surrounding of a place by an armed force in order to defeat those defending it:
E.g.: The soldiers laid siege to (= started a siege of) the city.
E.g.: The castle was under siege for months.
E.g.: *That whole weekend at Cannes, Audrey Hepburn was under siege by photographers.

besiege (v): 1-to surround a place, especially with an army, to prevent people or supplies getting in or out:
E.g.: The town had been besieged for two months but still resisted the aggressors.
2-When someone is besieged, a lot of people surround them:
E.g.: When the pop star tried to leave her hotel, she was besieged by waiting journalists and fans.

the Chunnel (n): 1-the Channel Tunnel. 2-the three long passages under the English Channel between England and France.