F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


the proletariat (n): 1-无产阶级. 2-the class of people who do unskilled jobs in industry and own little or no property

inflation (n): 1-通货膨胀. 2-a general, continuous increase in prices:
E.g.: high/low inflation
E.g.: the rate of inflation
E.g.: There has been an alarming rise in the rate of inflation.

denounce (v): 1-告发. 2-to criticize something or someone strongly and publicly:
E.g.: The government’s economic policy has been denounced on all sides.
E.g.: We must denounce injustice and oppression.

self criticism-自我批评

maternal (adj): 1-related to a mother’s side of the family:
E.g.: Her maternal grandmother (= mother’s mother) is still alive.

paternal (adj): 1-of or like a father:
E.g.: He’s very paternal (= showing the affectionate feelings of a father) with the baby.
E.g.: My paternal grandparents (= my father’s parents) were Irish.

my maternal grandmother
paternal grandmother
