F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


It’s farther away then my previous job

My schedule is pretty open.-open schedule

heartburn (n): 1-a painful burning feeling in the lower chest caused by the stomach not digesting food correctly

ulcer (n): 1-溃疡. 2-a break in the skin, or on the surface of an organ inside the body, that does not heal naturally:
E.g.: a mouth/stomach ulcer

esophagus/oesophagus (n): 食道

inflammation (n): 1-发炎. 2-a red, painful, and often swollen area in or on a part of your body:
E.g.: Aspirin reduces pain and inflammation.
E.g.: an inflammation of the eye/toe/ear

gastric acid-胃酸
gastric-of a stomach

enzyme (n): 1-any of a group of chemical substances that are produced by living cells and cause particular chemical reactions to happen while not being changed themselves:
E.g.: An enzyme in the saliva of the mouth starts the process of breaking down the food.

saliva (n): 1-唾液 2-the liquid produced in your mouth to keep the mouth wet and to help to prepare food to be digested

mucus (n): 1-粘液. 2-a thick liquid produced inside the nose and other parts of the body:
E.g.: This drug reduces mucus production in the gut.

gut (n): 1- the long tube in the body of a person or animal, through which food moves during the process of digesting food:
E.g.: Meat stays in the gut longer than vegetable matter.