F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


forecast (n): 1- a statement of what is judged likely to happen in the future, especially in connection with a particular situation, or the expected weather conditions:
E.g.: economic forecasts
E.g.: The weather forecast said it was going to rain later today.
E.g.: The forecast said it was going to be hot and sunny tomorrow.
E.g.: The forecast said that there’s a possibility of snow tonight.

bracelet (n): 1- a piece of jewellery that is worn around the wrist or arm:
E.g.: a gold/silver/diamond bracelet
E.g.: a chain bracelet
E.g.: On her wrist she wore the beautiful silver bracelet that once belonged to her mother.

post (v): 1-to publish something such as a message or picture on a website or using social media:
E.g.: I never post anything on the Internet that I wouldn’t want my boss to see.
E.g.: She hardly ever posts on Facebook.

