F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


scalding (adj): 1-If a liquid is scalding, it is extremely hot:
E.g.: scalding tea
E.g.: scalding hot water

rain cats and dogs-to rain very heavily:
E.g.: Don’t forget to take your umbrella – it’s raining cats and dogs out there.

rain on sb’s parade-to do something that spoils someone’s plans:
E.g.: I’m sorry to rain on your parade but you’re not allowed to have alcohol on the premises.

go up in flames-to burn or be destroyed by fire:
E.g.: The factory went up in flames.

take the gilt off the gingerbread-to spoil something that is in every other way enjoyable:
E.g.: We had a great trip, but our flight home was badly delayed, which took the gilt off the gingerbread.

patronize (v): 1- to speak to or behave towards someone as if they are stupid or not important:
E.g.: Stop patronizing me – I understand the play as well as you do.

patronizing (adj): 1-speaking or behaving towards someone as if they are stupid or not important:
E.g.: It’s that patronizing tone of hers that I can’t bear.

resourceful (adj): 1- skilled at solving problems and making decisions on your own:
E.g.: She’s a very resourceful manager.