F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


leprosy (n): 1-an infectious disease that damages a person’s nerves and skin. 2-麻风

anti-Semitism (n): 1-the strong dislike or cruel and unfair treatment of Jewish people:
E.g.: Nazi anti-Semitism forced him to emigrate to the US

persecution (n): 1-unfair or cruel treatment over a long period of time because of race, religion, or political beliefs:
E.g.: They left the country out of fear of persecution.
refugees escaping from political persecution

the Inquisition (n): 1-in the past, an official organization in the Roman Catholic Church whose purpose was to find and punish people who opposed its beliefs

the Holocaust (n): 1-大屠杀. 2-the killing of millions of Jews and others by the Nazis before and during the Second World War.

off the beaten pathalso off the beaten track/not known or popular with many people:
E.g.: We wanted to find a camping site that was a little bit off the beaten path.

peninsula (n): 1-a long piece of land that sticks out from a larger area of land into the sea or into a lake:
E.g.: the Korean/Arabian/Florida Peninsula