F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


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dialysis (n): 1-a process of separating substances from liquid by putting them through a thin piece of skin-like material, especially to make pure the blood of people whose kidneys are not working correctly:
E.g.: a dialysis machine
E.g.: kidney dialysis
E.g.: She is on (= being treated by) dialysis.

hemophilia (n): 1-a rare blood disease in which blood continues to flow after a cut or other injury because one of the substances which causes it to clot does not work correctly

in short supply-If something is in short supply, there is little of it available:
E.g.: Strawberries are in short supply this summer.

pseudo- (prefix) pretended and not real:
E.g.: pseudo-religious
E.g.: a pseudo-intellectual

pseudo-science-a system of thought or a theory that is not formed in a scientific way

eugenics (n): 1-the idea that it is possible to improve humans by allowing only some people to produce children:
E.g.: Eugenics was the central, and most controversial, part of his social philosophy.