F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


groom (v): 1-to prepare someone for a special job or activity:
E.g.: She was being groomed for leadership.
E.g.: My boss is grooming me to take over his job next year.

grow on sb (phrasal verb with grow): 1-If someone or something grows on you, you like him, her, or it more and more than you did at first:
E.g.: I wasn’t sure about this album when I bought it, but it’s really grown on me.

Stonehenge (n): 1-a circle of very large stones built in ancient times in southern England:
E.g.: Stonehenge, a prehistoric monument, was built more than 5,000 years ago.

fart (v):to release gas from the bowels through the bottom

fart (n): 1-(offensive) a boring, annoying, or unpleasant person:
E.g.: He’s a pompous old fart.

autobiography (n): 1- a book about a person’s life, written by that person:
E.g.: Tony Blair’s autobiography was a bestseller.

midwife (n): 1-a person, usually a woman, who is trained to help women when they are giving birth

duke (n): 1-a man of very high rank in a country, or the ruler of a small independent country
E.g.: They claim to be descendants of a French duke.